Are you retired, between jobs or at a loose end and looking for something to do?


Then look no further!

'Men's Sheds' are friendly workshops where men can gather and work together, share skills and knowledge or just have a chat and a laugh over a coffee.  Winslow ‘Shedders’ tend to work on their own projects most of the time but making and mending jobs arrive regularly from the local community - there is always something to get involved with if you fancy.   

We opened our doors in 2015 and now have very good wood machining and woodturning resources, some capacity for welding and light engineering and generous space for ‘cleaner’ activities such as games, model-making and hobbies.  Plenty of comfy chairs, social space, a well-stocked biscuit tin and a reliable kettle do, however, remain our biggest priorities!

Come along and see what we can offer and, more importantly, what you can offer to our 'Shed' in Winslow.


We are here for you!

Whether you're a member, a prospective member or just 'Shed-curious' there's no need to book.

Although making and mending is an important feature of Shedding, we do have a large social area with comfy chairs, plenty of puzzles, games and, of course, the kettle is always on.

We know that ‘ammering and sawin’ doesn’t float every man’s boat but getting our social area buzzing could well be something you could be a part of?

Due to the rising energy fees we have been forced to increase our fees to £ 2.50 per session, but don't forget that includes free tea or coffee and a biscuit (if you are lucky!)

These can be paid with cash on the day or by totting-up over (say) a month – we have now get one of those clever contactless card readers too!

We look forward to seeing you!

Photo montage Dec 21

When are we open?

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

'Shed Shout Out!' - our regular newsletter

We’re off to a busy start this New Year with good attendance numbers in spite of (or maybe because of) the wintry weather.  We’re lucky to be reasonably watertight and our heating does work well in the social area and in our smaller workshop - but we do not take our good luck for granted...

Keeping busy, hot drinks and good company seem to have seen us through another winter and maybe being signed-up to the Warm Welcome scheme has helped too?